Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, Empath, Family Dysfunction, incest, Narcissist Abuse, Narcissistic Mother, Sociopath Abuse, Trauma, Uncategorized

10 Traits of the Toxic Family Scapegoat 

1. Highly Empathic ✔️ 2. Questions Authority ✔️ 3. Internalizes Blame & Shame ✔️ 4. Very Creative  ✔️ 5. Calls out the Bullshit ✔️ 6. Free Spirit ✔️ 7. Emotionally Reactive ✔️ 8. Seeker of Justice ✔️ 9. Doesn't conform to the Family Rules ✔️ 10. Codependent, People pleaser who puts other's needs ahead of… Continue reading 10 Traits of the Toxic Family Scapegoat